Welcome Scarlett Iva!

Scarlett Iva Borozny was born on Saturday, September 19 at 9:27 a.m. She was 6 pounds 13 ounces, and 20.25" long. Mom and baby are happy and healthy.

The birth was a marathon. Amber's water broke on Friday at 11:30 a.m., so the whole process lasted nearly 24 hours. The little girl just didn't want to come out! Amber had "more bleeding than we like to see" after the delivery, but the doctors and nurses took care of everything and we both got some needed sleep by Saturday night.
Amber is feeling like her old self this morning and we'll be making our way home sometime around noon.

You're a DAAAAAAD!
Can't see much of your Scarlett Iva (LOVE the name!) but from this angle it looks like she's gonna be a beauty like her mama, who, btw, has that new mama glow!
Go the the natural food store & get that woman some non-constipating liquid iron to help rebuild & get her energy up.
Prepare for two weeks of intense staring/bonding for all of you - do nothing but that, you don't get these two weeks back! Followed by another four weeks of sweet staring/bonding that can also be interrupted by modest chores (for you, not amber).
I am SO happy for you all - our babes are just a month apart :-) so we get to share all these things together.
And I'm so happy you are blogging, so I can get my Damon funny fix on a regular basis.
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